Genuine Direct Access and Localized Funding for the Most Vulnerable Communities and Countries

ACCC is working to ensure finance is available and predictable for climate mitigation and adaptation under the principles of climate justice and gender integration.  

Key Messages 

  • Grants not Loans. climate finance should not reinforce debt
  • Should be needs-based: for all climate financing (note: straightforward per climate financing providers; financing assessment). Responsive to the call of urgent emissions reduction and to the needs of those that need them the most;
  • Genuine Direct Access and Localized. Direct access for small-scale enterprises/CSOs; inclusive; proportionally distributed; decentralization; equitable financing; Financing window within the GCF; allocation for communities/vulnerable groups; localization
  • No to market mechanisms. Farmers are not benefiting from market mechanisms
  • The most vulnerable must Co-Design and Co-Benefit from any climate financing
    • For example, in climate insurance; financial security for farmers; who pays the premium? (in Cambodia – national assistance fund;social safety net in Bangladesh; trigger-based solutions)
    • Should be agile and can meet the calls for urgency
    • Value of/ respect for/ recognition of role of community wisdom and knowledge in Assessments; soft science; indigenous knowledge in risk assessments; indigenous knowledge should be incorporated in the crafting of solutions
  • Should have Environmental, Social, Governance safeguards:  consideration for / inclusion of traditionally community soft science in impacts assessment; both soft science and empirical science, Finance flow should be consistent with 1.5 
  • Appropriate and considerate with the SDGs – no to dirty energy, destruction of ecosystems, maladaptation, false solutions, profit-only and profit-driven interventions
  • Should be New, Additional, Predictable, andsubjected to monitoring, evaluation, accountability principle, and leaning.